This episode is very devastating like every episode basically but this one is worst. In this episode a shooter known as Gary Clark comes into the hospital with a gun. This man was the husband who had recently died in the hospital days before. He took this very harshly trying to do everything he can to get "justice" for his wife. So he comes into the hospital armed and he has 3 victims Derek, Richard, and Lexie: the 3 people in the OR when his wife was killed. So he comes into the hospital and he is asking everyone where the chiefs office is and the first person he asked was Reed, and she told him that she didn't have time to tell him where it was so he shoots her in the head and she bleeds out. Alex Corev walks into the room that Reed was in seconds after and he tells the Gary that he wasn't supposed to be back here and then he shoots Alex on his side. Alex then crawls out of the room into the elevator somehow. At this point the hospital is on lockdown, which means no one could get in or out and the entire hospital gets the page and they are all very worried. The shooter then goes on the main floor and Lexie and Mark are on that floor and the shooter just starts to shoot everywhere and it is like pandemonium. So Mark and Lexie take cover and then head to the elevator where they find Alex on the elevator floor which has blood everywhere. So fast forward they take Alex into a conference room and they try to find the bullet and they work on him and everything. Then the shooter is on another floor and this floor Bailey. and Charles are on with a patient and Charles runs in saying that the shooters is on the floor. so dr. Bailey tells the patient to play dead and Charles hides in the bathroom and Bailey hides under the bed. He comes in and sees the patient and is like oh my god I am so sorry then he is about to leave the room when he hears a noise coming from the bathroom he walks in there and asks Charles "are you a surgeon" he responds yes sir and then he shoots him. When he gets out of the bathroom he pulls Bailey out from under the bed and he asks her are you a surgeon and she is basically speechless and she cant speak and she pretends that she is a nurse and then he leaves and tells her I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. So Meredith and Christina were together when they got the page and they just thought it was a drill and then they are just walking around the hospital like nothing and Derek sees them and he's like what are you doing were on lockdown and he puts them in this closet. In the beginning of the episode Meredith found out that she was pregnant which was like WOOHOO. so when they got locked in the closet Meredith was like throwing up and then the shooter walks past the closet and Christina is telling Meredith to be quite because he is walking by. So there is a part two of this episode which I am not going to explain in this blog because it is already to long so I hope you enjoyed the blog!!
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