Today was the White House Correspondents dinner. This event is when a bunch of celebrity's and politicians come together to honor journalists. But really all that happens is Obama mainly makes jokes about everyone. It is held at the Hilton hotel and is brodcatseted mainly everywhere. This will be Obamas last Corresponddents dinner which makes this a big deal. "Eight years ago I said it was time to change the tone of politics, in hindsight I really should have been more specific." Obama says this because no one really takes him seriously or they just don't like his ideas. Many celebrities show up to this event and they all sit together at tables and watch this event together. At the end of Obamas speech he said "I would like to close with these two words: Obama out, and he litterally dropped the mic! This is the end of today's blog I hope you enjoyed it!!!
Randoms Thoughts Blog
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
In todays blog I am going to be talking about the Armenian Genocide, even though I am not Armenian I just thought I should talk about it. The Armenian Genocide began on April 24 1915 in the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish government set out to expel and massacre the two million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. On that day the Turkish government also arrested and executed many of the Armenians. After that happened most of the ordinary Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire were kicked out of their homes. They were forced to march through the Mesopotamian desert without any food or water. Most of the people who were marching were stripped naked and were forced to walk under the burning hot sun and most of the dropped dead because it was so hot. Most people who stopped to rest were shot dead. A group called Young Turks "overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid and established a more modern constitutional government. At first, the Armenians were hopeful that they would have an equal place in this new state, but they soon learned that what the nationalistic Young Turks wanted most of all was to “Turkify” the empire. According to this way of thinking, non-Turks–and especially Christian non-Turks–were a grave threat to the new state." The Young Turks would drown the Armenians in the rivers, crucify them or even bury them alive. They often times kidnapped the children converted them to Islam and gave them to Turkish families. In other places they would rape the women and force them to become slaves. Some Muslim families then moved into the houses of the Armenians who used to live there. Finally in 1922 after nine years the genocide was finally over. There was now only 380,000 Armenians left in the Ottoman Empire after the Genocide. Since Turkey is one of Americas allies they never recognized the Genocide. But finally in March of 2010 congress voted to recognize the Genocide. That's it for todays blog I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!
Saturday, April 23, 2016

Hey guys I decided that this week I am going to be talking about Playlist live. Playlist live is a convention held in Orlando, Florida every year. It is a convention a bunch of youtubers just come together and do fun things for their fans. It is a two day event held at the Orlando world center Marriott. Throughout the weekend there is a lot of fun things to do you can attend panels or you can also meet your favorite youtubers at the meet and greets. Even though you might not be attending Playlist live the youtubers still give you the same experience in the vlogs that they upload to youtube throughout the weekend. Some of the youtubers that I watch such as the Shaytards, Pointless Blog, Sprinkleofglitter, Marcus Butler, SaconneJolys, Ricky Dillion, Alexa Loskey and a bunch more all attend the convention almost every year. The vlogs that these youtubers post aren't only about playlist live but they are also videos of them going to Disney world and Universal Orlando. This is what makes the videos even more interesting is seeing them do all these very fun things!! This is the end of this blog I hope you enjoyed it!!!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
HEY GUYS I decided that I'm going to do a random thoughts blog. Even though I said I wasn't going to make my blogs about Greys Anatomy, I'm going to make my very last Greys blog about how I got into it and why I like it so much. It all started when my best friend Eryn started watching Greys Anatomy. She was like binge watching it all the time and she told me to start watching it. And at first I was like no I don't want to start watching a show it takes to much time, because Greys Anatomy is 11 seasons. So then one day like 1 month later I was looking for soemthing to watch on Netflix and u saw that Greys anatomy was trending. It almost ha like all 5 stars so I was just like why no just try it. So I watched the very first episode which was so so boring. I text her and I'm like why are you so obbsessed with this show it's so boring. And she's like don't worry it gets better, so I was joking with what she said and I continued to watch it. I was so glad I did because it is so good, I'm really not sure why I like it so much it's just amazing amd they don't like make things up they make the show about real life situations. Most shows just make fake stuff and there you have it but they actually make it about things that can actually happen to you. Of course you aren't gonna get in a plane crash and have yourself be bombed and have your mom die of Alzheimer's all at once but it's possible. So that's why I really like this show so thank you Eryn for getting me obsessed!! So that's the end of this blog I hope you enjoyed it and recemebdation start watching greys anatomy!!
Monday, March 28, 2016
Today I'm not going to really be talking about greys anatomy. I'm thinking of changing the topic of my blog theme. I'm not really sure what I'm changing it to yet but I'll figure it out. While doing blogs about greys anatomy was fun it's kind of getting old. I am runnin out of episodes to do my blogs on. I really do love the show and I obviously won't stop watching it but I was to try soemthing new. I just think that I'm not trying as hard with my blog because I'm not enjoying it as much anymore. When I first started my blog I was so excited to do it on my favorite show and ten as time went bu it started to get really boring. I would bassically just spend my time writing random things that weren't accurate just to get the blog done. So I hope this is a better choice this is the end of the blog!!
Sunday, February 28, 2016

In this episode of greys someone is also getting married!! This time it is Dr. Bailey, initially she was going to drive herself to her own wedding but then suddenly a limo comes to the front of her house and Richard steps out. They are half way to the church when Richard gets all call from the nursing home where Adele is staying. They tell him that she had and accident and she is in the hospital immediately they turn the limo around and go to the hospital, they get into the room and Dr. Bailey starts working on her. Adele was just throwing up blood and they immodestly took her into the OR to operate on her. Everyone is already at the wedding waiting for Dr. Bailey and her fiancé tells everyone to just eat while they wait for her. Richard calls Meredith to check on what's going on and he tells her what happened. She goes to the hospital where Richard is waiting and they wait until she gets out of surgery. During surgery Dr. Bailey couldn't find anything that was wrong. Then she realizes that Adele had a brain bleed. At this point it was to late she was already dead. Richard handled it very well and they went to Dr. Baileys wedding and he just stood there while everyone told him how sorry they were for his loss. That's where the episode ended I hope you enjoyed this blog!!!
This episode of Greys Anatomy is also a very old one, it's when Izzie and Alex get married. So basically the marriage was totally unexpected to Izzie and Alex. It all started where initially Dereck and Meredith were going to be the ones getting married. So Meredith told Izzie who at the time still had cancer. Izzie loved all that wedding planning things so she told Meredith she was goanna pan her wedding. So Izzie brought dresses and everything to the hospital for Meredith to try on. She booked a church and a venue and everything was going to be perfect. Sadly Iziie wouldn't be able to attend the wedding because she was very sick and she couldn't get out of bed. So they decided that since Alex and Izzie were planning to get married anyways why not just give them the wedding instead of Meredith and Dereck. So Meredith walks into the room and Izzies screaming at her because she isn't ready and Meredith hands her the dress and says, I'm not the one getting married you are. So they all go to the wedding and the church is absolutely beautiful and it is Izzies dream wedding and all payed for by Dereck. This is the end of this blog I hope you guys enjoyed it!!!!
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