Friday, November 13, 2015
This blog is going to be about when easy finds out she has cancer. It all started when she gave her intern an assignment to find oh what was wrong with a lady who came into the ER. Isn't had suspicions that something was wrong with her so she ran a bunch of tests on herself and when the intern would go pick up the lady's results she would also pick up Izzy's. So the intern mixed up the the results so she said the lady who walked into the ER had cancer and the other patient (Izzy) has anemia. So they told the lady and she was devastated. So a week later the same lady walks into the ER and says she did a bunch of tests, quit her job, and sold her house. When she ran a bunch of tests they found out that she just had anemia. So the intern switched Izzy and the other lady's test results. When Izzy found out she immediately told the chief and the chief fired the intern. Later on Izzy was looking for if she had skin cancer so she found a mile in her back and she went to dermatology and they confirmed that it was skin cancer and it spread to her organs. She couldn't just keep it to herself so she decided to tell Christina and that's where the episode ended u hope you enjoyed the blog!!!
Friday, November 6, 2015
This blog I will be talking about the episode where the residents take there boards. The boards are a test residents take on there fifth year which determines whether or not they stay being doctors. It all starts off when they are getting on a bus to go to the airport to fly to San Fransisco. They are getting into the bus and Alex and Meredith are still not in the bus. Alex is still in the hospital helping a patient and Meredith is in daycare with Zola because she had the stomach flu. She doesn't want to leave her but Derreck insists that she does. So she gets onto the bus and they get on the plane. When they get to the hotel they start to sign into get there registration packets, when Meredith doesn't feel to good. She tells Christina that Zola has the stomach flu and she's like ok? And then it kicks in that Meredith has the stomach flu!! So Meredith starts throwing up like a lot and Christina goes to get her registration packet for her. Alex then gets a call from Dr. Robins and she tells him that his patient isn't doing to well so Alex just runs out of the hotel and says I have to get back to Seattle. So he flys back and meanwhile back at the hotel Meredith is feeling worse when Christina walks in with a Iv bag and juice. So once Christina has done that she goes back to get room and they both sit by the door and talk for hours on end then they wake up and it's the day of the boards and Meredith is still throwing up. So they get to the hoards and Alex is still in Seattle and Dr.Robins is telling him that he has to go back to the hospital and she finally convinced him to go. So they call everyone in and when they call Alex he doesn't answer because he isn't there so they give him fifteen minutes until they are gonna give him a fail. So the others are in the rooms and they are taking the tests and they finish the test and at the end Alex came and they were about to not let him take the test but they decided that was to harsh so the failed him the first session and the rest he did. So when they get back to Seattle they get the results and they all passed except April and she is crushed. That's how the episode ended I hope you enjoyed the blog!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2015

In this episode Meredith wonders what her life would be like if her mom didn't get sick if she didn't marry Derrick or if things didn't happen the way they did. So she has a dream and it starts off with her waking up and going down stairs where her mother who in real life is dead, but anyways her mother greets her and then her dad who is Dr. Weber. Then she drives to work and she got engaged the night before to Alex Carev!! So anyways she is showing April the ring who is her bestfriend which is so unrealistic because Meredith is all dark and twisty and April is happy and cheerful. Then Christina walks in with her bangs and everyone is looking at her all funny and it is so hilarious. Then they all go to like work and Meredith is in cardio and so is Christina and they hate each other. They both are fighting for a surgery and they are in the OR and Meredith is trying to like do something but Christina is just taking charge of everything and Meredith is so embarrassed. So then Dr Bailey has dreads and is all quiet and isn't fierce like how she is in real life and Alex is chief resident and is all quirky. So Elis Grey has a surgery and they are scrubbing in and Bailey tell Alex to tell Elis that the nerves are not viable and so he's like go in there yourself and tell her. That same day press decided to watch Elis grey do the "grey technique". So when they get into surgery Alex didn't tell her what Bailey told him to say and then she gets all stressed out and is freaking out because people are watching her and at the end she manages to pull off the surgery. Then Meredith walks into the Residents lounge and she finds Alex and April making out and she just runs out crying. She goes to find he4r dad and tells him all about is and then her mom walks in. She tells her Meredith you made a complete fool out of yourself fin the OR today and she was talking about what Christina did. And Meredith once again runs out crying. Then Elis starts to cry because Dr Bailey made a complete fool out of her and Elis tells Richard to fire her. At he end of the day Bailey got fired and Meredith and Christina went to a bar and they drank and then Christina left and it was Derreck and Meredith talking, and they had drinks and all. That's how the episode ended I hope you enjoyed the blog!!
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